Services > Sales Service |
Sales Service
You searched for Sales Service? In FiltraGuide you find a list of companies offering Sales Service. The company information to the search key Sales Service is displayed free of charge to all users. Alternatively you can also search for further products and services. |
Total No. 20 | |
Andritz Separation GmbH D 51149 Köln |
Based in Graz, Austria, the Andritz Group is a technology- centered company with global operations. The company develops high-tech production systems and industrial process solutions for various standard and highly specialized products. The scope of supply includes plate filter presses, frame filter presses, chamber filter presses and membrane filter presses. | |
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Clearsep Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. IND 400080 MUMBAI |
Manufacturer of clean-in-place and Eco-friendly filtration and separation equipment for Chemical Process Industries like Backwash Candle Filter, Automatic Self-cleaning Filter, Viscous Paste Filters, Welded wedge wire filter, Paint Filter | |
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filtertechnik.Europe GmbH & Co.KG D 52525 Heinsberg |
For more than 40 years fteu® has acquired experience and expertise in producing and processing wire mesh. This profound knowledge makes fteu® an expert in providing solutions around wire mesh filtration. | |
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Karl Küfner GmbH & Co. KG D 72461 Albstadt |
Küfner specialises in designing and manufacturing customised filters, screens and strainers for liquids and gases. From an idea and blueprint to a ready-to-install filter, Küfner is a one-stop-shop for individual and series production. | |
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Rentschler Reven- Lüftungssysteme GmbH D 74372 Sersheim |
REVEN® offes solutions for claen air in food industry and in machine industry. Based on decades of experience in the domain of mechanical separation in ventilation technology, REVEN® has developed the separating system X-CYCLONE®. | |
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RMIG GmbH D 06779 Raguhn-Jeßnitz |
RMIG is the largest perforation company in the world, offering a wide range of perforation patterns and related products. We mean it when we say "Perforation without limits". | |
searched for Sales Service |
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Schwegmann Filtrations-Technik GmbH D 53501 Grafschaft-Gelsdorf |
Monofilament textile, Needle felt textile, Filter bags, Ring filter bags, filter inserts, Former filters, Funnels, Bag filters, Filter cartridges, Cartridge filters, Filter housings, Special design bags | |
searched for Sales Service |
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Total No. 20 | | 1-20 | |