Product Types > Filter Material for Filter Media > Sinter Metal |
Sinter Metal
You searched for Sinter Metal? In FiltraGuide you find a list of companies offering Sinter Metal. The company information to the search key Sinter Metal is displayed free of charge to all users. Alternatively you can also search for further products and services. |
Total No. 7 | |
Armin Aust Industrievertretung D 35510 Butzbach |
Filter Bags, Filter Cartridges Filtration and Separation Systems,
Bag Filter Housings, Coalescers, Backwash Filters,
Polymer Melt Filters, Hot Gas Filters
Sintered Mesh Laminates, Metal Filters, Metal Fiber Felts | |
searched for Sinter Metal |
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Rath Aktiengesellschaft Aug. Rath jun. GmbH A 1015 Vienna |
backwashable surface filters for particle separation from hot gases, self supporting, resistant up to 1100°C, insensitive against flying sparks, non-combustible, high porosity, extremely low emission rates, excellent cleaning behaviour | |
searched for Sinter Metal |
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Rentschler Reven- Lüftungssysteme GmbH D 74372 Sersheim |
REVEN® offes solutions for claen air in food industry and in machine industry. Based on decades of experience in the domain of mechanical separation in ventilation technology, REVEN® has developed the separating system X-CYCLONE®. | |
searched for Sinter Metal |
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Total No. 7 | | 1-7 | |