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Filter Cleaning Services
You searched for Filter Cleaning Services? In FiltraGuide you find a list of companies offering Filter Cleaning Services. The company information to the search key Filter Cleaning Services is displayed free of charge to all users. Alternatively you can also search for further products and services. |
Total No. 14 | |
Anping County Anyang Wire Mesh Co.,Ltd PRC 053600 Hengshui |
we are manufacturer for the stainless steel wire mesh from Anping, China. -
We have many years experience in waving wire cloth. In Anping County, we have our own factory for different kind of wire cloth. We are also specialty a company haved passed the iso9001 qualified. -
We can offer you the best price and quality which you need. Therefore you will be more competitive on the european market. We have till now sold our product to France, Portugal, Netherland, South America, Southeast Asia. - | |
searched for Filter Cleaning Services |
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Pall Filtersystems GmbH Werk Schumacher Crailsheim D 74564 Crailsheim |
Pall Schumacher has gained an excellent reputation worldwide as a manufacturer of a broad range of porous ceramics and polyethylene covering a wide field of filtration and aeration applications. | |
searched for Filter Cleaning Services |
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Testori S.p.A. I 20026 Novate Milanese (MI) |
Needle felts and woven fabrics in rolls, filter bags and pockets for dry filtration; woven for wet filtration, cloths for filter presses; air slide belts for fluidized transport. | |
searched for Filter Cleaning Services |
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Total No. 14 | | 1-14 | |